Can Online Schools be the Future of Education in India?

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Vaishnavi Gurung
4 months ago
Can Online Schools be the Future of Education in India?

Online schooling is the modern educational system that primarily emphasizes learning via digital platforms. Instead of starting and continuing activities offline, the school's academic and extracurricular activities are all conducted and continued online.

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No matter how far away a student lives from a school, these institutions provide virtual (recorded, pre-recorded, or live) classes that they can attend from home. It adheres to a well-planned and ordered curriculum and is approved by the educational board for the relevant district, city, state, or nation.

Teachers and the administration of the school operate remotely in an entirely virtual school in India (from their desired location) offering systemized full-time and part-time courses to the students.

However, can online schooling be the future of education? Let's explore this question in this article.

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Why is Online Schooling Becoming Popular?

girl attending online class: can it be the future of education?

Online schooling gained popularity, especially after the outbreak of COVID-19. The suspension of schools and institutions affected 1.37 billion students in 138 nations worldwide. It led to switching from the physical classroom to platforms like Meet, Zoom, Skype, and Google Classroom, among others, to interact with students.

  • Flexibility of Time: The primary benefit of online learning is the flexibility that students can adapt to fit their learning pace and other extracurricular activities. Full-time online schools provide a customized study schedule based on the student's family commitments, other skill-building pursuits, and internet accessibility. Small families, parents with very mobile employment, and those with transferrable jobs who find it challenging to frequently visit the school or accompany their kids on a set schedule can all benefit from it. Additionally, a flexible study schedule liberates students from the excessive pressure to study and finish their homework and projects by a certain hour.
  • Encourages Comprehensive & Lifelong Learning: Online learning is a highly effective way to spark students' interest in and help them understand various subjects owing to the proper application of tech and other AR and VR technologies in the classroom. Students can visualize the lessons more vividly when diverse technology resources, such as 3-dimensional visuals and movies, are used in addition to the classroom. It keeps them interested and eager to learn while also empowering them to independently search for, consider, and comprehend the numerous facets of a subject in their own manner.
  • Inexpensive Source of Learning: Online education is more affordable in the long run since it saves parents a lot of money on transportation and school supplies. It significantly lowers costs associated with assuring a child's safety while they are out, as well as the daily, minor, and recurrent costs associated with dining out and upkeep of all types.
  • Time Saver: Unlike traditional schooling which requires years of preparation and months of waiting for the results of the final exams, the digital implementation of the classes allows us to access the material immediately, administer exams while comfortably sitting at home, and receive the results instantly (or within a few days) on our smartphones and laptops. This reduces stress and saves a great deal of time.
  • Caters Individually to the Students: Students can communicate directly with their teachers through email or other platforms designed with this goal. With this, individuals may express their learning challenges and ask any questions they may have without worrying about being criticized or made fun of by their classmates. This significantly increases the desire to make errors without fear and learn from them.
  • Students Acquire Technical Expertise: One of the biggest benefits of virtual learning is the development of relevant skills. This is because students who attend online classes develop lifelong independence as learners. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) states that students must be trained for jobs of the future. To do this, we must focus on 21st-century abilities like technological understanding. The future of the post-Covid world is undoubtedly one of digital literacy and technical proficiency. One cannot expect our students to thrive in a competitive environment without these sophisticated skills.

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Apply to Virtual Schools in India

Cyboard, accredited by the world’s leading school accreditor, IAO, is an exclusive online institution, so students may access it from any location using their devices and save commuting to and from school. They experience transparent quality education and the environment of the school the instant they log in. The school offers stress-free, systematic, and structured virtual classes from the best-qualified teachers and a curriculum that is otherwise inaccessible due to the distance from the school, the lack of skilled teachers for all courses in n conventional school, the lack of a decent school in the city or town, or because of expensive cost structures.

Cyboard School

The online school integrates the finest teachers, an international curriculum, and cutting-edge technology to provide kids with a better learning experience to experience the next phase of the educational revolution. It offers a safe learning environment where students acquire a top-notch education. It also aims to help students to accomplish their academic and personal objectives by offering high-quality, flexible, engaging, and individualized educational experiences in a secure, technology-enabled learning environment. The students of the school get the best of global curriculums & pedagogies together making them ready for the world apart from academic success.

Every educational level, from kindergarten to graduate and professional degrees, uses some form of ed-tech to improve its student’s capacity for learning. With the availability of online schooling, e-learning has become more popular among these technological breakthroughs. Millions of students across the globe are availing of the real benefits of online schooling. It is a boon for students in this age of digitalization and supports skill inculcation. The rate of enrolment in online education has substantially grown during the last several years.

Graph showing increase in online learning


Even after the lockdown, numerous coaching institutes and colleges have continued offering online education. As technology advances, this will lead to more advancements in the Indian educational system. It can be concluded that online schooling has been beneficial for all the associated groups or individuals like institutions, students, and teachers. Thus, yes, it can very well become the future of education in India.

Check Out: Discover the Importance of Experiential Learning for Students

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