How can parents prepare themselves for the lists of Nursery Admissions

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Chehak Baweja
6 months ago
How can parents prepare themselves for the lists of Nursery Admissions

Delhi Nursery admissions 2024-25 are to begin on November 23rd. As per the admission schedule shared by the DoE, the first merit list of nursery admission 2024-25 will be out by 12th of January.

Now it's time for the parents to prepare themselves for the Nursery admission first list.

Also Read | Delhi Nursery Admissions 2024-25 from November 23, 2024


Ezyschooling is here for you. We will guide you at every step. We will tell you some points you should consider for the preparation of the first merit list. 

So, the foremost thing that parents need to look at is the document list.

And here is the list of documents you must keep handy. 

1. Birth Certificate of the child. 

2.  Address Proof: You need to have any one of the following as address proof.
•    Passport
•    Ration card issued in the name of Parents. And parents must make sure that they have the name of their child on the ration card. 
•    Domicile Certificate of the child or his/her parents. 
•    Voter I-Card
•    Latest Electricity or Telephone bill  
•    Aadhar Card  
•    Lease Deed in the name of either of the parents of the child. 
Important: Sometimes schools can also ask for two kinds of address proof. 

3. Passport size photographs.

4. Medical and Immunization Certificate.

Some additional documents that schools can ask for:-
•    The ID card of a sibling, Fee receipt, or Report card in case of sibling studying in the same school. 
•    Parents mark sheet of Class XII/ passing certificate
•    In transfer cases, the parents need to give proof of transfer to Delhi. 

Parents should make sure that they also keep a photocopy of all documents in hand as well.

Now the next important thing that we would like to tell you is about the selection of school priority.

We hope that you know the admission process in Delhi based on the Points system. And the school assigns the ranking of the children as per the points. So, from the multiple schools, parents need to make a school priority list for their child.

Therefore parents should keep the school at the topmost priority in which their child is receiving the highest points. And for your help, we have also launched the Points Calculator at our Ezyschooling website.

Check Out: Delhi Nursery Admissions Form Filling Guidelines 2024-25

Minimum Age Criteria for Nursery Admission in CBSE Schools for 2024-25 in India

This article has been reviewed by our panel. The points, views and suggestions put forth in this article have been expressed keeping the best interests of fellow parents in mind. We hope you found the article beneficial.
Delhi Nursery Admissions
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Nursery admission merit list
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