Taking Student Burnout Seriously and Dealing with it

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12-14 12-14
Riya Pathak
9 months ago
Taking Student Burnout Seriously


Burnout might seem like a new age term but it’s a common issue many people are suffering in this fast-moving, complete-before-the-deadline-life. And it’s not just reserved for adults but it can be experienced by school and college students as well.


Academic burnout is characterized by emotional, physical, and mental suffering caused by extended periods of studying which can affect daily life functioning as well as academic performance on the whole.


One should not confuse it with regular frustration one undergoes after studying for 7-8 hours at a stretch but it's rather a chronic situation that occurs gradually over a period of time.

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As a parent, you need to understand and study your kid's behavior towards academics and school work from time to time. If they seem exhausted mentally, physically or emotionally for a longer period, you need to check on their symptoms as soon as possible. 


Symptoms of burnout


Listed here are some signs or symptoms of student burnout:




  • Some children may show a few signs of depression and anxiety. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be triggered as well.
  • Irritability and lashing out at others may seem an ongoing problem.
  • Hard to concentrate on the usual work given in school. They might find it hard to focus on their studies too.




  • Regular headaches and body pain can be one of the physical symptoms.
  • Frequent visits to hospitals for random illness without any apparent cause. 
  • A change in the eating pattern might cause a sudden change in body weight.




  • Lack of creativity and innovative ideas in school or college assignments and projects.
  • Signs of low self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Feelings of isolation from family members and other friends and relatives.
  • Lack of interest in activities which were once enjoyed with all heart.


Ways of handling this burnout




One of the most effective ways to reduce burnout or eliminate it is to get organized. Students can organize their work accordingly and most importantly they need to follow it so that they can give time to everything and every aspect of their life.


Easy goals 


Instead of jumping too high and setting unachievable goals children can set easy small tasks which can boost motivation and confidence for the next work lined up. For example, instead of completing 2 chapters in one day a child can start early and read one chapter per day.


Physical activity 


Workouts and physical activity can help boost happy hormones which could eliminate burnout more easily than one can think of.


Favorite activities 


It's required to make time for the favorite activities to help reduce the signs. If the child himself doesn't want to get involved in the things that interest him, then the parents should take initiative and make plans for them.


Hydration and a healthy diet


Sometimes due to burnout children might not take the proper diet or skip them. But it's important to take a healthy diet and frequent water breaks to maintain healthy body functioning.


Get outside 


The child should be encouraged to spend time in nature. They can wander around, in fact if they want to study, they can choose a park or a garden where they can study in natural light with their friends.


Yoga and meditation 


Practice of yoga and meditation can help reduce depression and burnouts.

Also read: Crushing Mental Illness Stigma and Discussing Mental Health


This article has been reviewed by our panel. The points, views and suggestions put forth in this article have been expressed keeping the best interests of fellow parents in mind. We hope you found the article beneficial.
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