Developmental milestones for your baby - 25 months

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Radhika Krishnan
4 years ago
Developmental Milestones

Your toddler is improving in coordination which means she can walk more confidently now. She is also getting better at climbing and jumping. 

Here is what to expect at 25 months: 

  • Your baby is learning new skills every day. He may be able to wash and dry his hands and brush his teeth with help. He may also be able to balance on one foot and put on his own T-shirt.

  • As they are learning new skills, accidents will become a major part now. Try not to scream when your toddler spills the water from the cup for the nth time. Some of it might be intentional too because they are wanting to test (the cup and you!) 

  • Your tot is getting involved with playtime and will usually protest at having to break the continuity of play for anything from sleep to food to bath time. Try to have a routine as they ultimately find comfort in a steady routine. Try to stick to a regular mealtimes and bedtimes 

  • Offer a variety of healthy food items to your baby to ensure he is getting his vitamins and minerals from food. Avoid having to supplement with multivitamins as too much vitamin A, C or D can lead to nausea, rashes or, headaches. 

  • You will see a lot of tantrums at this age. Screaming, stomping for what they want right now is normal. It is part of their brain development because they realize they are a separate person with their own wants. They want to assert their independence. Try to let them make small decisions like what clothes or shoes to wear. But be firm where anything dangerous is involved. They need safe and consistent limits. 

  • Your baby can now use simple phrases to describe things and maybe saying two- to four-word sentences. 

  • If you’re keen to potty train your toddler, this might be a good time. Each child is different so check for his readiness, be appreciative of small efforts and don’t be afraid to put it in the back burner if your kid is not ready yet. 

  • Your child may be cutting his second molars. It can be a painful process so be patient with their tantrums. It will subside once the teething phase is over.

  • Inculcate good eating habits into your child. Offer three meals plus two snacks with healthy options daily.  Eat meals with your child and let your child decide how much he wants to eat. Force-feeding will only develop an aversion to food. Serve them small portions and don’t insist on cleaning the plate. Also, expect appetite to be different each day as they are growing. Don’t insist on 1 roti today as they ate 1 yesterday. 

Involve them in a lot of sensory activities like playing with dry beans, pulses, rice, etc. Introduce them to music by listening to a lot of musical instruments and playing with musical toys. Music has a good impact on brain development. Ensure they get enough time outdoors playing in the park on a daily basis.  

Stay Tuned! Stay Relevant! 

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25 months