Cognitive Development for your 17-year old Child

Mind Mind
16-18 16-18
Sidharth Kavadia
8 months ago
cognitive Development in child

At 17, children are about to start the last stage of their adolescence, that phase between childhood and adulthood. 17 is about the age, children usually leave the secure confines of their schools to enter into the competitive world of colleges and universities. As parents, raising a 17-year-old can be a little scary. Have you taught your teen everything she needs to know to become a responsible adult? It's important to evaluate their development and assist them in entering the real world.

Here is what to expect as your teen crosses the final threshold into manhood/womanhood:

  • Your teenybopper is now seriously thinking about her future, making plans for life after school. 

  • She has developed good organizational skills by now. Enough to allow her to juggle between her studies, extracurricular activities, and possibly, a part-time job. Kids this age have also developed their own defined work habits. For e.g. some prefer studying at night while others are early morning risers. 

  • Your youngster is moving towards being an adult and is much more controlled in her behaviour compared to the early teens. However, you can still expect reckless behaviour at times. 

  • Your teenager has an increased ability to adapt to new problems and situations.  

  • Most 17-year-olds can communicate like adults. Usage of slang is quite common among teens this age. 

  • They may also begin to grasp political, moral, social, and philosophical concepts now.

  • They are able to justify their choices better, explaining what is right and wrong. 

  • Leisure activities tend to get similar to that of adults. So, wanting to relax could mean going out with a friend to a restaurant or engaging in their favourite hobby. A

  • According to Dr. Ebersole, the top safety concerns for children this age are substance misuse, safe driving, sexual activity, and mental health difficulties. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey, 38% of high schoolers had sex in high school, over 20 million new STDs were diagnosed in young people aged 15 to 24, and approximately 180,000 newborns were born to teenagers aged 15 to 19.


While many 17-year-olds are looking forward to life after school, others might be terrified of it. Be a support system to your teenager in helping her enter the world outside school. But don’t do too much, as this is the phase where they learn to be truly independent. 

Also, many teenagers are struggling with body image issues. Talk to them about focussing on good health more than appearance.

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