Ompee International School Scholarship Exam on March 18th

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Abhilasha Rai
a year ago
Ompee International School  Scholarship Exam on April 18th

Ompee International School is dedicated to supporting at-risk pupils, such as foster children and students receiving preventive programmes. The school aims to assist each student to become more resilient, autonomous, and academically successful by providing a comprehensive range of wraparound support services and a challenging curriculum of instruction based on a trauma-informed, Sanctuary approach. The Ompee International Schools’ motto “Se Lumen Proferre” (“We learn as we grow, and we grow as we learn”) is appropriate for a school that has confidently risen up the success ladder, whether it is in education or other extracurricular activities.

Would you like your child to be a part of such an exciting opportunity?

Here is a chance for you! 

Ompee International School Scholarship Day

Sign up for Ompee International School's Scholarship Exam, which is to be held on 18th March 2023, 11 AM onwards. 

Exam Location: IMT Manesar, New Gurgaon 

Looking for Participants from Class 5th and above

The Ompee International Schools’ goal is to draw in the most qualified applicants from the surrounding communities. Additionally, it strives to help children who might not otherwise be able to attend school. 

We at the Ompee International School would adore adding many more outstanding students who wish to enrol in the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education)  to our current community of learners in order to enrich and revitalise the School. We firmly believe that brilliant, exceptional students who work tirelessly to achieve excellence contribute to the growth of the Ompee International School.

If you didn't know, registrations are limited for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so you better hurry! 

Register Now


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